Saturday, March 22, 2014

Huckleberry Finn Chapter 6-15

We start off this section of the book with Huck faking his death in a clever way that some might not have thought he was capable of thinking of and proceeding with it. To me, "Coming of Age" doesn't necessarily mean being slick and creative, but more of realizing the consequences of your actions.
Continuing, when Jim came into the picture I was excited because him and Huck have similar personalities. Huck is young and impressionable so Jim could possibly influence how he acts. They sort of have a father and son bond. This is shown when Jim doesn't let Huck see the dead body.
Huck fools around with his wardrobe and likes to explore new things which is a part coming of age because you do more of finding yourself and expressing who you are. Everything then goes downhill when robbers attack and their ship sinks. in that chapter Huck says "it warnt no time to be setimentering". This shows "Coming of Age" because he is willing to set aside all the silly things and focus on the task at hand. Other than these events, I did.t feel that there were any other moments that really defined "Coming of Age". See you next week folks!


  1. Bernard, try to delve deeper into some of your ideas. While you are touching at them at a surface level, I think you could analyze them more than just comment on them. For example, does it help Huck to shield him from death? Is he too young to understand the tragedies of the "real" world? If yes, when is he old enough or mature enough to be able to understand these realities? Is it Jim's place to shield him from this just because he is older?

    1. I don't think it helps to shield Huck from death because everybody experiences it sooner or later. I think Jim shields him from it because it would be common instinct to shield a child from gruesome things. It isn't Jim's place to protect him but I feel like it would be instinct for Jim or any person to try and hide something gruesome from a younger individual.

  2. Yoooo Son! I agree with you brochacho! Sometimes Huck's gotta buckle down and wrassle up some knowledge and take up some arms and do the do, if you're picking up what im putting down!

  3. I think the best part of this post was when you mentioned Huck trying to "find and express himself" by playing around with his wardrobe. In fact, the entire last paragraph fits my idea of what "Coming-of-Age" is centered around: discovering who you are as a person, and forcing yourself to analyze situations at hand, no biases, no emotional interference. Just level-headed, logical thinking.
